Definition of riddle


Câu đố


The origin of the word "riddle" can be traced back to the Old English word "ræd," which had multiple meanings. In its primary sense, it meant "counsel" or "advice." However, it also had secondary meanings relating to the resolution of difficult problems. In Old English literature, "ræd" was used to describe complex puzzles that required clever thinking to solve. These puzzles were called "rædsels," a precursor to the modern word "riddles." Here, "ræd" retains its meaning of "counsel" or "wisdom," but also suggests the need for sagacity and guile in deciphering the puzzle's hidden meaning. The Old French word "raon," which also meant "counsel" or "advice," further contributed to the development of the word "riddle." As English and French became increasingly entwined after the Norman Conquest, the two languages began to influence each other's vocabulary, and "raon" became "rason" in Middle English. By the 14th century, the term "rason" was used to indicate a complex problem, but it was still closely associated with wisdom and counsel. Eventually, "rason" became "riddle," and the meaning of the original term "rædels" evolved to describe solely the puzzle-solving aspect of the word. In summary, the origin of the word "riddle" is multifaceted, drawing on the interplay between Old English, Old French, and Middle English. The evolution of the term reflects the changing meanings and associations of words over time, demonstrating the rich history and complexity of languages as they interact and influence each other.


a question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody as a game

một câu hỏi khó hiểu và có một câu trả lời đáng ngạc nhiên mà bạn hỏi ai đó như một trò chơi

  • Stop talking in riddles (= saying things that are confusing)—say what you mean.

    Đừng nói những câu đố (= nói những điều khó hiểu)—nói điều bạn muốn nói.

  • Bilbo solves the riddle that unlocks the door to the mountain.

    Bilbo giải được câu đố mở được cánh cửa dẫn vào núi.

a mysterious event or situation that you cannot explain

một sự kiện hoặc tình huống bí ẩn mà bạn không thể giải thích

  • the riddle of how the baby died

    câu đố về việc đứa bé chết như thế nào

  • The riddle of his identity was only solved when his brother saw him on TV.

    Bí ẩn về danh tính của anh chỉ được giải quyết khi anh trai anh nhìn thấy anh trên TV.

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