Definition of ribbon




The word "ribbon" originally comes from the Old French word " riban" which meaning is "narrow strip of cloth". This term was then adopted by the Middle English speakers around the 13th century. As the textile industry expanded in Europe during the 16th century, ribbons started to be used to decorate clothing, especially dresses and coats. During the 18th century, ribbons were popularized as a form of decoration for hair, known as "tusses" or "bows". With the advent of industrialization in the 19th century, the mass production of ribbons became more affordable, making them accessible to a wider range of people. Nowadays, ribbons are used in a variety of ways, from practical purposes, such as in packaging or for gift wrapping, to decorative purposes, such as in bouquets, wedding ceremonies, and horse racing events. The versatility and beauty of ribbons have ensured their continued use and popularity throughout history.


a narrow piece of material, used to tie things or for decoration

một mảnh vật liệu hẹp, dùng để buộc đồ vật hoặc để trang trí

  • Her present was tied with yellow ribbon.

    Món quà của cô được buộc bằng dải ruy băng màu vàng.

  • lengths of velvet ribbon

    độ dài của dải ruy băng nhung

  • She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.

    Cô ấy đang đeo hai dải ruy băng lụa màu xanh trên tóc.

Extra examples:
  • He tied some gold ribbon around the present.

    Anh ấy buộc một số dải ruy băng vàng xung quanh món quà.

  • Her hair was tied back with a black silk ribbon.

    Tóc cô được buộc lại bằng một dải ruy băng lụa đen.

  • She had a pink ribbon in her hair.

    Cô ấy có một dải ruy băng màu hồng trên tóc.

  • The Lord Mayor cut a ribbon to launch the celebrations.

    Ngài Thị trưởng cắt băng khai mạc lễ kỷ niệm.

something that is long and narrow in shape

một cái gì đó có hình dạng dài và hẹp

  • The road was a ribbon of moonlight.

    Con đường như một dải ánh trăng.

a ribbon in special colours, or tied in a special way, that is given to somebody as a prize or as a military honour, or that is worn by somebody to show that they belong to a particular political party

một dải ruy băng có màu sắc đặc biệt, hoặc được buộc theo một cách đặc biệt, được trao cho ai đó như một giải thưởng hoặc một vinh dự quân sự, hoặc được ai đó đeo để thể hiện rằng họ thuộc về một đảng chính trị cụ thể

Related words and phrases

a long narrow piece of material containing ink (= coloured liquid for writing, drawing, etc.) that you put into typewriters and some computer printers

một mảnh vật liệu hẹp dài có chứa mực (= chất lỏng màu để viết, vẽ, v.v.) mà bạn cho vào máy đánh chữ và một số máy in máy tính


cut a/the ribbon (on something)
to officially open a building, road, etc. with a special ceremony that typically involves cutting a ribbon across the entrance
  • The prince cut the ribbon to officially open the building.
  • Yesterday the mayor cut the ribbon on the new sports centre.
  • to officially start something, such as a business project or activity
  • Today we're happy to cut the ribbon on a project that will improve safety for cyclists.
  • cut/tear, etc. something to ribbons
    to cut/tear, etc. something very badly
  • His coat was torn to ribbons by the barbed wire fence.