Definition of retraction


rút lại


The word "retraction" comes from the Latin word "retractio," meaning "a drawing back." The term originally referred to the physical act of pulling something back, like drawing back a limb or retracting a sail. Over time, it evolved to encompass the act of taking back a statement or withdrawing a previous claim, essentially "drawing back" from a previous position. This metaphorical usage is rooted in the idea of physically pulling back something that was extended.


a statement saying that something you previously said or wrote is not true

một tuyên bố nói rằng điều gì đó bạn đã nói hoặc viết trước đó là không đúng sự thật

  • He demanded a full retraction of the allegations against him.

    Ông yêu cầu rút lại hoàn toàn các cáo buộc chống lại mình.

the act of pulling something back (= of retracting it)

hành động kéo cái gì đó lại (= rút lại nó)

  • the retraction of a cat’s claws

    sự rút lại móng vuốt của mèo