Definition of reload


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The word "reload" originated in the mid-16th century from the combination of "re-" (meaning "again") and "load" (meaning "to load or fill with a load"). Initially, it referred to the act of reloading a firearm, specifically loading it again with ammunition and explosives. In the early days of firearms, loading a gun was a time-consuming process that required manual loading of gunpowder, ball, and other components. The word "reload" emerged as a verb to describe this process, which was often repeated during battle or hunting. Over time, the term "reload" has expanded to encompass broader uses, including reloading software, apps, and even internet memes. Today, the word is widely used across various contexts, its original connection to firearms largely forgotten. Despite this, the word's origins still hold significance as a testament to the evolution of language and human innovation.


to put more bullets into a gun, more film into a camera, etc.

để nạp thêm đạn vào súng, thêm phim vào máy ảnh, v.v.

to put data or a program into the memory of a computer again

đưa dữ liệu hoặc chương trình vào bộ nhớ của máy tính một lần nữa

to fill a container, vehicle, machine, etc. again

để đổ đầy lại một thùng chứa, xe cộ, máy móc, v.v.