Definition of rejoice


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The word "rejoice" originated from the Old French word "rejouer," which meant "to cheer up" or "to be happy again." The word was formed by combining theprefix "re-" (meaning "again" or "back") with the word "joie" (meaning "joy"), as rejoicing is often a feeling that people experience again and again. The first recorded use of the English word "rejoice" is found in the Middle English text "The McEiffe Leabar," written in the 14th century. The meaning of the word in this document was "to take pleasure" or "to enjoy oneself," which shows that the usage of the word "rejoice" did not always have a religious connotation. In the Bible, the Greek word "chairein" (χαίρειν) is commonly used for rejoicing, which originated from the Proto-Indo-European root *ghre- (meaning "to shout" or "to rejoice"). "Chairein" is often translated as "rejoice" in many Christian texts, as the Bible teaches its readers to rejoice in their faith and in the goodness of God. Overall, the word "rejoice" has evolved over time and has come to represent a variety of emotions, from simple happiness and pleasure to religious worship and gratitude towards divine providence.

  • The churchgoers rejoiced as the new priest delivered a powerful sermon.

    Những người đi nhà thờ vui mừng khi vị linh mục mới có bài giảng sâu sắc.

  • The parents rejoiced as they welcomed their healthy baby into the world.

    Cha mẹ vui mừng khi chào đón đứa con khỏe mạnh của mình đến với thế giới.

  • The team rejoiced as they scored the winning goal in the championship game.

    Toàn đội vui mừng khi ghi được bàn thắng quyết định trong trận chung kết.

  • The community rejoiced as the cleanup efforts finally restored order after the natural disaster.

    Cộng đồng vui mừng khi nỗ lực dọn dẹp cuối cùng đã khôi phục được trật tự sau thảm họa thiên nhiên.

  • The school choir rejoiced as they received a standing ovation for their exceptional performance.

    Dàn hợp xướng của trường vui mừng khi nhận được sự hoan nghênh nhiệt liệt cho phần trình diễn đặc biệt của mình.

  • The students rejoiced as they received excellent grades on their exams.

    Các em học sinh vui mừng khi nhận được điểm cao trong kỳ thi.

  • The patients rejoiced as they were discharged from the hospital, free from illness.

    Các bệnh nhân vui mừng khi được xuất viện, không còn bệnh tật nữa.

  • The volunteers rejoiced as they completed the charity drive, exceeding the fundraising goal.

    Các tình nguyện viên vui mừng khi hoàn thành chiến dịch từ thiện và vượt qua mục tiêu gây quỹ.

  • The student athletes rejoiced as they qualified for the national tournament.

    Các vận động viên là sinh viên vui mừng khi đủ điều kiện tham dự giải đấu toàn quốc.

  • The grandparents rejoiced as they held their new grandchild for the first time.

    Ông bà vui mừng khi lần đầu tiên được bế đứa cháu mới sinh.

Related words and phrases


rejoice in the name of…
(British English, humorous)to have a name that sounds funny
  • He rejoiced in the name of Owen Owen.