Definition of recuperate


hồi phục


The word "recuperate" originates from the Latin "recupare," which means "to regain" or "to recover." This Latin verb is a combination of "re-" (meaning "again" or "new") and "cupare" (meaning "to take" or "to seize"). In the 15th century, the English language borrowed the Latin "recupare" and adapted it into "recuperate," initially meaning "to regain health" or "to recover from illness." Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include recovering from physical or mental exhaustion, mourning, or other adverse situations. Today, "recuperate" is widely used in both medical and everyday contexts, referring to the process of regaining strength, vitality, or composure after a period of injury, stress, or hardship.


to get back your health, strength or energy after being ill, tired, injured, etc.

để lấy lại sức khỏe, sức lực hoặc năng lượng của bạn sau khi bị ốm, mệt mỏi, bị thương, v.v.

  • He's still recuperating from his operation.

    Anh ấy vẫn đang hồi phục sau ca phẫu thuật.

  • After an exhausting few weeks I needed some time to recuperate.

    Sau vài tuần mệt mỏi, tôi cần thời gian để hồi phục.

Related words and phrases

to get back money that you have spent or lost

để lấy lại số tiền bạn đã chi tiêu hoặc bị mất

  • He hoped to recuperate at least some of his losses.

    Anh ấy hy vọng sẽ phục hồi được ít nhất một số mất mát của mình.

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