Definition of recoverable


có thể phục hồi


The word "recoverable" has its roots in 15th-century Middle English. It is derived from the Latin words "recuperare," meaning "to regain" or "to restore," and "abilis," meaning "able" or "capable." The first recorded use of "recoverable" in English dates back to around 1410. Initially, the word was used to describe something that could be restored or regained, such as a lost possession or a recovered health. Over time, its meaning expanded to include the idea of being able to be retrieved or salvaged, as in the case of data or information that has been lost or corrupted. Today, "recoverable" is commonly used in various contexts, including medicine, business, and technology, to describe something that can be restored or reacquired after it has been lost or damaged.


that you can get back after it has been spent or lost

mà bạn có thể lấy lại sau khi nó đã được sử dụng hoặc bị mất

  • Travel expenses will be recoverable from the company.

    Chi phí đi lại sẽ được công ty chi trả.

Related words and phrases

that can be obtained from the ground

có thể thu được từ mặt đất

  • recoverable oil reserves

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