Definition of recorder


máy ghi âm


The word "recorder" came into use during the Renaissance era to describe a specific type of musical instrument. Its origin can be traced back to the Portuguese word "recorder" ("recuer" in Spanish), which means "one who remembers." The name was given to the instrument, also known as a "treble recorder," because it was used to play melodies that needed to be memorized, such as songs and dance tunes. As the popularity of the recorder spread throughout Europe, its name became established in English as well. The recorder fell out of favor during the Baroque era as more sophisticated instruments like the flute and the oboe gained popularity. However, it experienced a resurgence during the 20th century due to the efforts of folkmusic enthusiasts and classical music pedagogues who saw its potential for teaching basic musical concepts to young children. Today, the recorder continues to be used in a variety of settings, from classical music ensembles to folk music groups, as well as in music therapy and educational settings. Its relatively simple design, versatility, and affordability make it an accessible instrument for people of all ages and skill levels.


a machine for recording sound or pictures or both

máy ghi âm thanh hoặc hình ảnh hoặc cả hai

  • The cockpit voice recorder indicated that the crew did not call for any checklist.

    Máy ghi âm buồng lái cho biết phi hành đoàn không yêu cầu bất kỳ danh sách kiểm tra nào.

  • a tape/cassette/video/DVD recorder

    máy ghi băng/cassette/video/DVD

Related words and phrases

a musical instrument in the shape of a pipe that you blow into, with holes that you cover with your fingers

một nhạc cụ có hình ống mà bạn thổi vào, có lỗ để bạn che bằng ngón tay

Related words and phrases

a judge in a court in some parts of the UK and the US

một thẩm phán tại một tòa án ở một số vùng của Vương quốc Anh và Hoa Kỳ

a person who keeps a record of events or facts

một người lưu giữ hồ sơ về các sự kiện hoặc sự kiện

  • In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.

    Trong lịch sử tự nhiên, người quan sát và ghi chép cẩn thận có vai trò rất quan trọng đối với sự phát triển của khoa học.