Definition of readable


có thể đọc được


The word "readable" has its roots in Old English. The precursor to the modern English word is "rædan," which means "to read" or "to interpret." The adjective form of this verb, "rædlice," originally meant "capable of being read" or "intelligible." Over time, the spelling evolved into "readable" and took on a broader meaning, encompassing not only the physical act of reading but also the ease with which someone can comprehend written or printed material. Today, "readable" is widely used to describe texts, documents, and even digital interfaces that are clear, easy to understand, and well-written. Despite its evolution, the word remains closely tied to its Old English roots, serving as a testament to the enduring importance of reading and literacy.


that is easy, interesting and enjoyable to read

dễ đọc, thú vị và hấp dẫn

  • a highly readable account of life in prison

    một câu chuyện rất dễ đọc về cuộc sống trong tù

  • More examples would have made the explanation more readable.

    Có thêm ví dụ thì lời giải thích sẽ dễ đọc hơn.

  • a stimulating and highly readable account

    một tài khoản kích thích và dễ đọc

clear and easy to read

rõ ràng và dễ đọc

  • The lettering on the front of the building is no longer readable.

    Chữ viết ở mặt trước tòa nhà không còn đọc được nữa.

  • printed in large, easily readable type

    được in bằng chữ lớn, dễ đọc

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