Definition of ragged


rách rưới


The word "ragged" has its origins in the Old Norse language, specifically the Scandinavian word "hreppr," which referred to a frayed or torn piece of cloth. This Old Norse word made its way into Middle English through the Scandinavian settlers in Northern England and Scotland. In Middle English, the word "reppere" was used to describe both people and objects with a frayed or torn appearance. This term evolved into "ragged" in Early Modern English, which is the form we use today to describe things that are frayed, torn, or rough around the edges. The meaning of "ragged" has expanded somewhat over time to include descriptions of people or animals that appear disheveled or unkempt due to a lack of proper clothing or grooming. However, its original meaning as a descriptor of frayed or torn objects remains a significant part of its modern usage. Overall, the word "ragged" is a testament to the influence of Norse and Scandinavian culture on the English language, as well as a reminder of the important role that language borrowing and evolution play in shaping the way we communicate today.


old and torn

cũ và rách

  • a ragged jacket

    một chiếc áo khoác rách rưới

Related words and phrases

wearing old or torn clothes

mặc quần áo cũ hoặc rách

  • ragged children

    trẻ em rách rưới

having an outline, an edge or a surface that is not straight or even

có đường viền, cạnh hoặc bề mặt không thẳng hoặc thậm chí

  • ragged clouds

    những đám mây rách rưới

  • a ragged coastline

    bờ biển gồ ghề

not smooth or regular; not showing control or careful preparation

không trơn tru hoặc đều đặn; không thể hiện sự kiểm soát hoặc chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng

  • I could hear the sound of his ragged breathing.

    Tôi có thể nghe thấy tiếng thở gấp gáp của anh ấy.

  • Their performance was still very ragged.

    Màn trình diễn của họ vẫn còn rất rời rạc.

very tired, especially after physical effort

rất mệt mỏi, đặc biệt là sau khi nỗ lực thể chất

Related words and phrases


run somebody ragged
(informal)to make somebody do a lot of work or make a big effort so that they become tired
  • For 20 minutes the other team ran us ragged.