Definition of prostrate




The word "prostrate" originates from the Latin word "prostratus," which literally translates to "stretched forth" or "thrown forward." This term was initially used to describe an object that was placed on the ground or flat surface. Later, in Medieval Latin, the term began to be used to refer to a person who fell down or was thrown to the ground in defeat, reverence, or as a sign of worship. The English word "prostrate" can be traced back to the Middle English periods around the 14th century when it was commonly used to signify a person lying or thrown flat on the ground, usually due to sickness or physical injury. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to include a person lying flat on the ground as an act of worship or reverence, as well as being laid out for burial. In modern usage, "prostrate" is still used in medical contexts to describe a medical condition where an individual experiences a loss of control over bodily functions due to an illness, injury, or emotional distress. However, in religious contexts, it is largely used to describe a position of extreme devotion or humility, where an individual falls to the ground in worship or prayer. In summary, the origin of the word "prostrate" can be traced back to the Latin word "prostratus," which initially referred to a flat object, then later evolved to describe a person lying or thrown on the ground due to defeat, worship, reverence, illness, or injury.


lying on the ground and facing downwards

nằm trên mặt đất và hướng xuống dưới

  • They fell prostrate in worship.

    Họ phủ phục trong sự thờ phượng.

  • He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

    Anh vấp phải cơ thể đang nằm bất động của Luke.

  • lying prostrate on the ground

    nằm sấp trên mặt đất

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so shocked, upset, etc. that you cannot do anything

quá sốc, buồn bã, v.v. đến mức bạn không thể làm gì được

  • She was prostrate with grief after her son's death.

    Bà đau buồn phủ phục sau cái chết của con trai mình.

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