Definition of prohibition




The word "prohibition" derives from the Latin word "prohibere," which means "to forbid" or "to prevent." In the early 19th century, the term was used in legal contexts to describe laws that prohibited certain activities, such as dueling or practicing medicine without a license. However, the modern connotation of "prohibition" is most closely associated with the period of United States history known as the Prohibition Era (1920-1933). During this time, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages, as well as their importation and exportation. The amendment was largely fueled by temperance and moral reform movements that aimed to reduce crime, poverty, and social problems (such as drunkenness and disorderly behavior) that they associated with alcohol consumption. Although Prohibition was intended to rid society of these so-called evils, it ultimately proved to be ineffective and even counterproductive. Despite the efforts of organizations like the Federal Bureau of Prohibition, which employed thousands of agents to enforce the law, bootlegging and organized crime thrived during the era. The resulting black market created opportunities for corruption and violence, as well as an increase in alcohol-related health issues due to poorly regulated or adulterated "hootch." In response to the Prohibition's failures, the 21st Amendment was ratified in 1933, repealing the 18th Amendment and ending the national prohibition on alcohol. Today, the term "prohibition" is still used in contexts that focus on restricting or preventing behaviors or substances deemed undesirable or dangerous, such as the ongoing debates over drug legalization or smoking bans. The legacy of the Prohibition Era remains a subject of debate among historians, with some arguing that it helped to shift public attitudes towards social issues, while others emphasize its negative consequences and ineffectiveness in achieving its stated goals.


the act of stopping something being done or used, especially by law

hành động ngăn chặn một cái gì đó được thực hiện hoặc sử dụng, đặc biệt là theo pháp luật

  • the prohibition of smoking in public areas

    cấm hút thuốc ở khu vực công cộng

Extra examples:
  • The RSPB has called for the prohibition of all imports of wild birds.

    RSPB đã kêu gọi cấm nhập khẩu tất cả các loài chim hoang dã.

  • a treaty for the prohibition of nuclear tests

    hiệp ước cấm thử hạt nhân

  • The prohibition order meant that the book could not be sold in this country.

    Lệnh cấm có nghĩa là cuốn sách không thể được bán ở đất nước này.

a law or a rule that stops something being done or used

một luật hoặc một quy tắc ngăn chặn một cái gì đó được thực hiện hoặc sử dụng

  • a prohibition against selling alcohol to people under the age of 18

    cấm bán rượu cho người dưới 18 tuổi

  • prohibitions on the possession of dangerous weapons

    cấm sở hữu vũ khí nguy hiểm

Extra examples:
  • Companies are under strict prohibitions about divulging confidential information.

    Các công ty đang bị nghiêm cấm tiết lộ thông tin bí mật.

  • The village was quiet because of the strict prohibition against work on the Sabbath.

    Ngôi làng yên tĩnh vì lệnh cấm nghiêm ngặt làm việc vào ngày Sabát.

  • They imposed an absolute prohibition on trade unions.

    Họ áp đặt lệnh cấm tuyệt đối đối với công đoàn.

(in the US) the period of time from 1920 to 1933 when it was illegal to make and sell alcoholic drinks

(ở Mỹ) khoảng thời gian từ 1920 đến 1933 khi việc sản xuất và bán đồ uống có cồn là bất hợp pháp

  • a Prohibition-era speakeasy

    một bài diễn văn thời Cấm