Definition of progenitor


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The word "progenitor" comes from the Latin word "progenitor," which was first introduced in English in the 16th century through literary works and scientific publications. The root word "genitor" in Latin means "father" or "begetter." "Pro" in Latin means "before" or "forward." So, "progenitor" can be translated as "the one who comes before a generation or parent to begin a lineage." In early usage, progenitor referred to a human patriarch, but its use has broadened over time to encompass any organism or entity that produces offspring, such as a cell or a species. In the scientific community, the term is commonly used in evolutionary biology to describe an ancestral form from which a group of related species evolved. In summary, "progenitor" is derived from Latin roots and means "one who comes before and produces or begotten offspring," which has evolved into a scientific and literary term referencing the origin or ancestry of a species or entity.


a person or thing from the past that a person, animal or plant that is alive now is related to

người hoặc vật trong quá khứ mà người, động vật hoặc thực vật còn sống hiện nay có liên quan đến

  • He was the progenitor of a family of distinguished actors.

    Ông là tổ tiên của một gia đình diễn viên nổi tiếng.

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a person who starts an idea or a development

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