Definition of procure


thâu tóm


The word "procure" originated from the Middle English verb "prochuren," which itself was derived from the Old French word "procurer" meaning "to take care of ahead of time" or "to provide for in advance." The meaning of the word gradually shifted over time. In the 14th century, "procure" began to be used to describe the act of acquiring something through appropriate means, such as buying, selling, or negotiating. This meaning was influenced by the Latin word "procurare," which meant "to manage, provide for, or administer." By the time it reached Early Modern English, the term "procure" had taken on a variety of meanings, including "to carry out" and "to accomplish through effort." This versatility contributed to the word's general use today, which encompasses various actions taken to acquire or secure something desired, whether by buying, obtaining consent, or exerting some degree of influence, though these connotations may also depend on context.


to obtain something, especially with difficulty

để có được một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là với khó khăn

  • She managed to procure a ticket for the concert.

    Cô quản lý để mua được một vé cho buổi hòa nhạc.

  • They procured a copy of the report for us.

    Họ đã mua một bản sao của báo cáo cho chúng tôi.

  • They procured us a copy of the report.

    Họ đã mua cho chúng tôi một bản sao của báo cáo.

to provide somebody to have sex with another person in exchange for money

cung cấp cho ai đó quan hệ tình dục với người khác để đổi lấy tiền

  • He was accused of procuring under-age girls.

    Anh ta bị buộc tội mua chuộc các cô gái chưa đủ tuổi.

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