Definition of primly


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The word "primly" derives from the adverb "prim," which in turn originates from the Latin word "primus," meaning "first" or "foremost." In Middle English, the word "prim" was used to describe something that was neat, orderly, or correct in accordance with traditional or religious principles. The adverb "primly" appeared in the early 19th century, as an intensifier of this meaning, emphasizing the idea of strict adherence to convention, propriety, and social norms. It was often used to describe the behavior or appearance of women, particularly those of the upper classes, who were expected to conform to strict standards of propriety and decorum. In modern usage, "primly" is less frequent than it was in the past, but it is still used to convey a sense of strict adherence to social or cultural norms, or to suggest a puritanical or prudish stance. However, its connotations are often considered slightly old-fashioned or archaic, and it is therefore less commonly employed in contemporary writing or speech. In summary, "primly" is a word that originated from the Middle English adverb "prim," meaning "neat" or "correct," and refers to a strict adherence to traditional or religious principles, often used to describe the behavior or appearance of individuals, particularly women, who conform to social and cultural norms. Its usage has become less frequent in modern times and is sometimes perceived as outdated or old-fashioned.


in a careful and formal way, showing that you are easily shocked by anything that is rude

theo cách cẩn thận và trang trọng, cho thấy bạn dễ bị sốc bởi bất cứ điều gì thô lỗ

  • ‘You're not supposed to say that,’ she said primly.

    "Anh không được phép nói thế", cô nghiêm nghị nói.

formally and neatly

chính thức và gọn gàng

  • a primly dressed young woman

    một phụ nữ trẻ ăn mặc chỉn chu

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