Definition of prey


con mồi


The word "prey" descends from Old English pregan, which means "captured thing" or "hunted animal." The Old English prefix pre-, meaning "before," combined with the word gan, meaning "to go" or "to become," created pregan, as it originally referred to an animal that went before a predator to become hunted. Pregan evolved into the Middle English prep, which retained the same meaning, and eventually the Old English word form was replaced entirely by its Middle English counterpart. In Modern English, the term "prey" continues to refer to any animal or organism that is hunted or caught by another animal or natural force.


an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another

một con vật, một con chim, vv bị săn bắt, giết và ăn thịt bởi người khác

  • The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.

    Sư tử thường rình rập con mồi hàng giờ liền.

  • birds of prey (= birds that kill for food)

    chim săn mồi (= chim giết để kiếm thức ăn)

Extra examples:
  • The young deer are ideal prey for the leopard.

    Những con nai non là con mồi lý tưởng cho báo hoa mai.

  • They watched a hawk swoop down on its unsuspecting prey.

    Họ quan sát một con diều hâu lao xuống con mồi không hề nghi ngờ.

  • a cat pouncing on its prey

    một con mèo vồ lấy con mồi

a person who is harmed or tricked by somebody, especially for dishonest purposes

một người bị ai đó làm hại hoặc lừa gạt, đặc biệt là vì những mục đích không trung thực

  • Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.

    Người già dễ trở thành con mồi cho những người bán hàng không trung thực.


be/fall prey to something
to be killed and eaten by another animal or bird
  • Many small birds and rodents fall prey to the domestic cat.
  • to be harmed or affected by something bad
  • Since the attack, she had fallen prey to irrational fears.
  • She knew she must not fall prey to his charm.
  • The new government has fallen prey to corruption and fraud.