Definition of pressing




The word "pressing" has its origins in the Old French word "presser," meaning "to squeeze" or "to press." This word itself comes from the Latin word "pressare," meaning "to crush" or "to squeeze." The meaning of "pressing" evolved to include the idea of urgency or importance, likely due to the association with pressing something tightly or needing immediate attention. This meaning is further supported by the use of "press" as a verb meaning "to urge" or "to insist."


needing to be dealt with immediately

cần phải xử lý ngay

  • I'm afraid I have some pressing business to attend to.

    Tôi e rằng tôi có một số công việc cấp bách cần phải giải quyết.

  • There is a pressing need for more specialist nurses.

    Nhu cầu cấp thiết cần có nhiều y tá chuyên môn hơn.

  • The government seems to think that international problems are more pressing than domestic ones.

    Chính phủ dường như cho rằng các vấn đề quốc tế cấp bách hơn các vấn đề trong nước.

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difficult to refuse or to ignore

khó từ chối hoặc bỏ qua

  • a pressing invitation

    một lời mời cấp bách

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