Definition of precious


quý giá


The word "precious" has been in use for over a thousand years, and its origin can be traced back to the Old English language. The Old English word "preós" meant "useful, serviceable," and it was used to describe things that were valuable or useful, often because of their rarity. As the English language evolved, the meaning of "preós" began to shift. By the 13th century, the word had taken on new connotations, such as "dear, beloved," and "valuable, of great worth." This new meaning was likely influenced by the Old French word "precies," which meant "confidential, secret," and was sometimes used to describe expensive objects that were highly prized. By the 15th century, "precious" had settled into its modern meaning of "very valuable, worth a great deal." This usage reflects the fact that items that are rare and difficult to obtain, such as precious gemstones, are often considered to be of great worth. Throughout history, the word "precious" has been used to denote a wide variety of objects, from beloved family members to treasured possessions. Today, it is commonly applied to anything that is highly valued or considered to be of great importance, whether it is material or intangible in nature.


rare and worth a lot of money

hiếm và đáng giá rất nhiều tiền

  • a precious vase

    một chiếc bình quý giá

  • The crown was set with precious jewels—diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

    Vương miện được nạm những viên ngọc quý—kim cương, hồng ngọc và ngọc lục bảo.

  • precious metals

    kim loại quý

valuable or important and not to be wasted

có giá trị hoặc quan trọng và không bị lãng phí

  • Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world.

    Nước sạch là một mặt hàng quý giá ở khu vực đó trên thế giới.

  • You're wasting precious time!

    Bạn đang lãng phí thời gian quý báu!

loved or valued very much

yêu hoặc có giá trị rất nhiều

  • precious memories/possessions

    kỷ niệm/tài sản quý giá

  • You are infinitely precious to me.

    Bạn vô cùng quý giá đối với tôi.

Extra examples:
  • My family is the most precious thing I have in my life.

    Gia đình là điều quý giá nhất mà tôi có trong cuộc sống.

  • They managed to salvage a few precious possessions from the fire.

    Họ đã trục vớt được một số tài sản quý giá từ đám cháy.

Related words and phrases

used to show you are angry that another person thinks something is very important

dùng để thể hiện rằng bạn đang tức giận vì người khác cho rằng điều gì đó rất quan trọng

  • I didn't touch your precious car!

    Tôi không chạm vào chiếc xe quý giá của bạn!

very formal, exaggerated and not natural in what you say and do

rất trang trọng, cường điệu và không tự nhiên trong những gì bạn nói và làm

Related words and phrases