Definition of precariously


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"Precariously" traces back to the Latin word "precarius," meaning "obtained by entreaty" or "dependent on the will of another." This emphasizes the sense of uncertainty and dependence inherent in the word. Over time, "precarius" evolved into the Old French "precaire," and ultimately, "precarious" in English. The word initially referred to things obtained through begging or favor, highlighting the fragile nature of such acquisitions. This evolved to describe situations marked by uncertainty, instability, and risk, reflecting the inherent vulnerability of relying on external factors for one's security.


in a way that is not safe or certain; dangerously

theo cách không an toàn hoặc chắc chắn; nguy hiểm

  • The economy is precariously close to recession.

    Nền kinh tế đang tiến gần đến suy thoái.

in a way that means something is likely to fall or that might cause somebody to fall

theo cách có nghĩa là cái gì đó có khả năng rơi hoặc có thể khiến ai đó rơi

  • He balanced the glass precariously on the arm of his chair.

    Anh ta cân bằng chiếc ly một cách bấp bênh trên tay ghế.