Definition of postal


Thuộc về bưu điện


The origin of the word "postal" dates back to the 17th century. Prior to that, postal services were operated as a form of communication between nobles and royal courts. In the 17th century, however, the increasing demand for regular and reliable communication between individuals and businesses led to the establishment of public postal systems. The word "postal" comes from the name of the Postmaster General, Henry Post, who was responsible for managing the royal mail system in England during the late 17th century. Over time, the term "postal" evolved to refer to mail, mailmen, and postal services in general. Today, the term is widely used in many languages to describe anything related to mail, communication, or delivery services.


connected with the official system for sending and delivering letters, etc.

kết nối với hệ thống gửi, phát thư chính thức...

  • your full postal address

    địa chỉ bưu chính đầy đủ của bạn

  • the postal service/system

    dịch vụ/hệ thống bưu chính

  • postal charges

    Phí bưu chính

involving things that are sent by post

liên quan đến những thứ được gửi qua đường bưu điện

  • postal bookings

    đặt chỗ qua bưu điện


go postal
(especially North American English, informal)to become very angry
  • He went postal when he found out.