Definition of pond


cái ao


Definition of undefined

The word "pond" is of Old English and Germanic origin. The earliest recorded usage of the word "pond" dates back to the 8th century, specifically in the King Alfred's Testament around 880 CE. The Old English word "pund" or "pundlice" meant "pool of water" or "pond". This was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*punthiz", which was also the source of the Modern German word "Pfuhl", meaning "pond" or "pool". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word "pond" evolved to encompass a wide range of small, still bodies of water, including artificial containers, natural depressions, and even parts of lakes or rivers. Today, the word "pond" is widely used in many languages to describe a variety of aquatic environments.


a small area of still water, especially one that is artificial

một vùng nước tĩnh lặng nhỏ, đặc biệt là vùng nước nhân tạo

  • a fish pond

    ao cá

Extra examples:
  • She swam across the pond.

    Cô bơi qua ao.

  • The Carters had a pond in their back yard.

    Nhà Carters có một cái ao ở sân sau của họ.

  • The pond is drained every year.

    Ao được xả nước hàng năm.

  • The ponds are fully stocked with rainbow trout.

    Các ao được thả đầy cá hồi vân.

  • There are goldfish in the pond.

    Có cá vàng trong ao.

  • There were some ducks swimming on the pond.

    Có một số con vịt đang bơi lội trên ao.

the Atlantic Ocean

đại Tây Dương

  • He's relatively unknown on this side of the pond.

    Anh ta tương đối xa lạ ở phía bên này của ao.

  • Critics across the pond have been queuing up to heap praise on the movie.

    Các nhà phê bình khắp nơi đã xếp hàng dài để khen ngợi bộ phim.


a big fish (in a small pond)
an important person (in a small community)