Definition of poker


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The origin of the word "poker" is uncertain, but there are a few theories. One theory is that it comes from the 19th-century poker-like games played in the Mississippi River region, where players would use a wooden stick or "poke" to push chips or money across the table. Another theory suggests that it comes from the French word "poque," meaning "to prick or pierce," which was used to describe a type of fishing hook. A third theory proposes that it's related to the German word "pochen," which means "to play cards." Regardless of its true origin, the word "poker" was first used in the 1830s to describe the game, and has since become synonymous with the popular card game we know today.


a card game for two or more people, in which the players bet on the values of the cards they hold

một trò chơi bài dành cho hai hoặc nhiều người, trong đó người chơi đặt cược vào giá trị của các lá bài họ giữ

a metal stick for moving or breaking up coal in a fire

một thanh kim loại để di chuyển hoặc đập vỡ than trong lửa