Definition of placidly


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"Placidly" comes from the Latin word "placidus," meaning "calm" or "peaceful." It entered English in the 16th century as "placid," meaning "tranquil" or "serene." The suffix "-ly" was added to create the adverb "placidly," meaning "in a calm or peaceful manner." So, the word essentially traces its roots back to the Latin concept of a state of calmness and stillness.


in a way that shows that you are not easily excited or annoyed

theo cách cho thấy rằng bạn không dễ bị kích động hay khó chịu

  • ‘Of course,’ said Helen placidly.

    “Tất nhiên,” Helen nói một cách điềm tĩnh.

in a calm and peaceful way, with very little movement

một cách bình tĩnh và yên bình, với rất ít chuyển động

  • The river sparkled placidly in the sun.

    Dòng sông lấp lánh trong nắng.

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