Definition of pill


viên thuốc


Definition of undefined

The word "pill" has its origin in the Latin word "pilula", which means "small ball" or "pellet". In medicine, a pill is a small, usually oval-shaped dose of medicine, typically made from a mixture of active ingredients and fillers. The term "pill" has been used in English since the 14th century to refer to medicine in this form. In the mid-15th century, the word "pill" became more commonly used in the context of medicine, particularly with the introduction of sugar-coated pills. These were sweetened tablets that could be easily taken by mouth, and the term "pill" became synonymous with this type of medication. Today, the term "pill" is widely used to refer to any small, solid dose of medicine, whether it is a sweetened tablet, a coated tablet, or a capsule containing powdered medicine.


a small flat round piece of medicine that you swallow whole, without biting it

một miếng thuốc tròn dẹt nhỏ mà bạn nuốt cả viên mà không cần cắn

  • a vitamin pill

    một viên vitamin

  • Take three pills daily after meals.

    Uống ba viên mỗi ngày sau bữa ăn.

  • pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs)

    pill-popping (= hành động uống quá nhiều thuốc hoặc sử dụng ma túy bất hợp pháp)

  • The doctor prescribed her some pills to help her sleep.

    Bác sĩ kê cho cô một số loại thuốc giúp cô dễ ngủ.

  • I was on various pills for my heart condition.

    Tôi đã dùng nhiều loại thuốc khác nhau để điều trị bệnh tim của mình.

a pill that some women take to prevent them becoming pregnant

một loại thuốc mà một số phụ nữ dùng để tránh mang thai

  • the contraceptive pill

    thuốc tránh thai

  • to be/go on the pill

    được/đi uống thuốc

  • Her doctor put her on the pill at 16.

    Bác sĩ cho cô ấy uống thuốc lúc 16 tuổi.

Related words and phrases

an annoying person

một người khó chịu


a bitter pill (for somebody) (to swallow)
a fact or an event that is unpleasant and difficult to accept
  • The election defeat was a bitter pill for the party to swallow.
  • sugar/sweeten the pill
    to do something that makes an unpleasant situation seem less unpleasant