Definition of pictorial


hình ảnh


The word "pictorial" originated from the Latin word "pictura," meaning a painting or picture. It was borrowed by the Old French word "picturial" and later evolved into the Middle English word "picturial" in the 15th century. In its earliest usage, "pictural" was primarily associated with fine art, specifically the portrayal of images through painting or drawing. However, the concept expanded during the Renaissance with the invention of scientific illustrations, which began to include detailed, highly-detailed diagrams and charts. Over time, "pictorial" started to appear in other contexts beyond the visual arts, extending to descriptions of written texts and scientific data that included images or illustrations. Today, the word is widely used in a variety of fields, including journalism, marketing, and education, to refer to any form of visual representation that helps to convey information or ideas. In summary, the word "pictorial" can be traced back to its Latin roots, meaning related to a painting or picture, and has since evolved to describe any medium that uses visual representations to communicate ideas or information.


using or containing pictures

sử dụng hoặc chứa hình ảnh

  • Pictorial representation of statistics or data in a chart is a kind of pictogram.

    Biểu diễn bằng hình ảnh số liệu thống kê hoặc dữ liệu trong biểu đồ là một loại chữ tượng hình.

  • a pictorial account/record of the expedition

    một tài khoản bằng hình ảnh/hồ sơ về chuyến thám hiểm

  • a pictorial encyclopedia

    bách khoa toàn thư bằng hình ảnh

connected with pictures

kết nối với hình ảnh

  • pictorial traditions

    truyền thống tranh ảnh