Definition of petrified


hóa đá


The word "petrified" originates from the Latin word "petrificatus," meaning "turned to stone." This reflects the process of petrifaction, where organic material is replaced by minerals, preserving its form in stone. The word's roots lie in the Latin "petra," meaning "stone," and "facere," meaning "to make." This original sense of being turned to stone eventually evolved to describe a state of extreme fear, where one feels frozen or immobile, as if turned to stone. This metaphorical usage reflects the paralyzing effect of terror.


extremely frightened

vô cùng sợ hãi

  • a petrified expression

    một biểu hiện hóa đá

  • I'm petrified of snakes.

    Tôi sợ rắn.

  • They were petrified with fear (= so frightened that they were unable to move or think).

    Họ bị hóa đá vì sợ hãi (= sợ đến mức họ không thể di chuyển hoặc suy nghĩ).

  • She was petrified that the police would burst in at any moment.

    Cô sợ hãi rằng cảnh sát sẽ ập vào bất cứ lúc nào.

Extra examples:
  • She was petrified at the prospect of meeting his parents.

    Cô như hóa đá trước viễn cảnh được gặp bố mẹ anh.

  • The child stood petrified with fear.

    Đứa trẻ đứng đó vì sợ hãi.

Related words and phrases

petrified trees, insects, etc. have died and been changed into stone over a very long period of time

cây cối, côn trùng hóa đá, v.v. đã chết và bị biến thành đá trong một thời gian rất dài

  • a petrified forest

    một khu rừng hóa đá

Related words and phrases