Definition of pelt




The word "pelt" has a fascinating origin! It comes from the Old Norse word "pelta", which referred to a type of leather quiver or container for carrying arrows. This word was borrowed into Middle English as "pelt", initially meaning "leather" or "hide". Over time, the term evolved to describe the fur or skin of an animal, often used to make clothing, hats, or other accessories. In addition to its literal meaning, "pelt" has also been used in idiomatic expressions, such as "to take someone's pelt" (meaning to take their skin or fur), or "to give someone the pelt" (meaning to give them a beating). Today, the word "pelt" is still used in various contexts, from biology and fashion to idiom and slang.


to attack somebody by throwing things at them

tấn công ai đó bằng cách ném đồ vật vào họ

  • The children pelted him with snowballs.

    Bọn trẻ ném bóng tuyết vào anh ta.

  • We were pelted with rotten tomatoes.

    Chúng tôi bị ném cà chua thối.

to fall very heavily

rơi rất nặng

  • By now the rain was pelting down.

    Lúc này mưa đã trút xuống.

  • I drove home with the rain pelting through the window.

    Tôi lái xe về nhà với cơn mưa tạt qua cửa sổ.

  • Raindrops the size of golf balls were pelting down on her.

    Những hạt mưa to bằng quả bóng golf đang trút xuống người cô.

to run somewhere very fast

chạy đi đâu đó rất nhanh

  • We pelted down the hill after the car.

    Chúng tôi lao xuống đồi theo sau chiếc xe.

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