Definition of peach


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The word "peach" originates from the Old French word "peche," which is derived from the Latin term "persica," meaning "Persian." This refers to the fruit's original cultivation in Persia (modern-day Iran). The fruit was later introduced to Europe by the Romans and became a popular ingredient in medieval cooking. Over time, the spelling of the word evolved from "peche" to "peach," while the French retained the closer spelling "pêche." In English, the word "peach" has been used since the 14th century to refer to the fruit, its pit, and even its sweet, juicy flesh. Today, the word "peach" is widely used across languages to describe this beloved summer fruit.


a round fruit with soft red and yellow skin, that is yellow inside with a large rough seed

một loại quả tròn có vỏ mềm màu đỏ và vàng, bên trong màu vàng với một hạt thô lớn

  • a peach tree

    một cây đào

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a particularly good or attractive person or thing

một người hoặc một vật đặc biệt tốt hoặc hấp dẫn

  • He’s a real peach.

    Anh ấy thực sự là một anh chàng đẹp trai.

  • That was a peach of a shot!

    Quả là một cú đánh tuyệt vời!

a colour between pink and orange

một màu giữa hồng và cam

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