Definition of ozone layer

ozone layernoun

tầng ozon


Definition of undefined

The term "ozone layer" originates from the presence of ozone (O3) gas in the stratosphere, a layer of Earth's atmosphere. "Ozone" itself comes from the Greek word "ozein," meaning "to smell," as ozone has a distinctive, pungent odor. The term "layer" refers to the concentrated region of ozone molecules found in the stratosphere. This region was first discovered in 1913 by French physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson. The name "ozone layer" became widely used in the 1970s, highlighting its importance in absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.


a layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.

một lớp trong tầng bình lưu của trái đất ở độ cao khoảng 10 km (6,2 dặm) chứa nồng độ ozone cao, hấp thụ phần lớn bức xạ tia cực tím đến trái đất từ mặt trời.