Definition of oxygen mask

oxygen masknoun

mặt nạ thở oxy


Definition of undefined

The term "oxygen mask" is a fairly recent combination. "Oxygen" itself comes from the Greek word "oxys," meaning "sharp" or "acid." This reflects its role in combustion. The "mask" part, however, has a longer history. It evolved from the Latin word "masca" meaning "ghost" or "specter," referring to the face coverings worn in ancient theatrical performances. The modern concept of a "face mask" for breathing emerged in the 19th century, but the specific term "oxygen mask" likely arose in the early 20th century with the development of aviation and medical technologies that utilized oxygen delivery systems.


a mask placed over the nose and mouth and connected to a supply of oxygen, used when the body is not able to gain enough oxygen by breathing air, for example at high altitudes, or because of a medical condition.

mặt nạ được đặt trên mũi và miệng và được kết nối với nguồn cung cấp oxy, được sử dụng khi cơ thể không thể nhận đủ oxy bằng cách hít thở không khí, ví dụ như ở độ cao lớn hoặc vì tình trạng sức khỏe.

Related words and phrases

  • face mask
  • protective mask
  • face covering
  • face shield