Definition of overstock


tồn kho quá mức


The word "overstock" originates from the 14th century Old English words "o'er-stok" or "over-stok", which literally means "overfill" or "overflow". This term was initially used to describe a stockpile or a store of goods that exceeded what was necessary or expected. In the 16th century, the term evolved to "overstock" and began to be used in the context of commerce, referring to the situation where a merchant or retailer has too many goods in their inventory. This could be due to miscalculations, overestimates of demand, or unexpected changes in market conditions. Today, "overstock" is commonly used in business and economics to describe a situation where an enterprise has an excessive amount of inventory, which can lead to financial losses, waste, and reduced profitability.


to buy or make more of something than you need or can sell

mua hoặc làm ra nhiều thứ hơn mức bạn cần hoặc có thể bán

to put too many animals in a place where there is not enough room or food for them

đặt quá nhiều động vật vào một nơi không có đủ chỗ hoặc thức ăn cho chúng