Definition of organizational


tổ chức


The word "organizational" has its roots in the 17th century. It comes from the Latin words "organum," meaning instrument or tool, and "alis," meaning belonging to. Initially, "organizational" referred to the act of organizing or arranging something, such as a tool or instrument. Over time, the meaning expanded to encompass the study and practice of organizing and managing complex systems, such as businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the term gained popularity in the field of management and administration, particularly with the rise of scientific management and the study of organizations. Today, "organizational" is used to describe the theory, principles, and practices of designing, managing, and improving organizational systems and structures to achieve efficient and effective outcomes.


connected with the way in which the different parts of something are arranged; connected with an organization

liên quan đến cách sắp xếp các bộ phận khác nhau của một thứ gì đó; liên quan đến một tổ chức

  • organizational changes within the party

    những thay đổi về mặt tổ chức trong đảng

Related words and phrases

having or showing the ability to arrange or organize things well

có hoặc thể hiện khả năng sắp xếp hoặc tổ chức mọi thứ tốt

  • Candidates will require good organizational skills.

    Ứng viên cần có kỹ năng tổ chức tốt.

  • The occasion was an organizational triumph.

    Sự kiện này là một thắng lợi về mặt tổ chức.