Definition of optical


quang học


The word "optical" has its roots in the Greek word "ophthals", meaning "eye". The term "optical" came into being in the 16th century, derived from the Greek word "optikos", meaning "of or relating to the eye". This refers to the ability to perceive or manipulate light, which is essential for vision. The term was initially used in the context of the study of light and its behavior, which was pioneered by the ancient Greeks, particularly Euclid and Ptolemy. Over time, the term "optical" expanded to encompass the study of all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet rays. Today, "optical" is used in a wide range of contexts, from physics and engineering to photography and vision science.


connected with the sense of sight or the relationship between light and sight

liên quan đến thị giác hoặc mối quan hệ giữa ánh sáng và thị giác

  • optical effects

    hiệu ứng quang học

used to help you see something more clearly

được sử dụng để giúp bạn nhìn thấy điều gì đó rõ ràng hơn

  • optical aids

    thiết bị hỗ trợ quang học

  • optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes

    dụng cụ quang học như kính hiển vi và kính thiên văn

using light for reading or storing information

sử dụng ánh sáng để đọc hoặc lưu trữ thông tin

  • optical storage

    lưu trữ quang học

  • an optical disk/drive/mouse

    một đĩa quang/ổ đĩa/chuột