Definition of ooze




The origin of the word "ooze" can be traced back to the Old Norse word "áss", which means "to run". The Old English word "ós" for "mud" or "slime" is also related to this root. Over time, the word evolved in Middle English, taking the form "usen" or "oesen" in its infinitive form. It was initially used to describe the slow, viscous movement of mud or other thick materials, often associated with the sea or other bodies of water. The first recorded use of the word "ooze" in its modern form, sans the infinitive ending, was in the mid-16th century. A text published in 1559 by the Scottish poet Thomas Wright used the word to describe the oozing of oil from a trap during a visceral hunt, indicating that it was also applied to heavy or sticky substances that oozed or flowed slowly. Over time, the word "ooze" has come to encompass a range of materials, from mud or slime to molten rock, as its primary meaning of "running" or "flowing" continues to evolve in meaning. Today, the term is used to describe any substance that moves slowly and viscously, whether natural or synthetic.


if a thick liquid oozes from a place, or if something oozes a thick liquid, the liquid flows from the place slowly

nếu chất lỏng đặc chảy ra từ một nơi hoặc nếu thứ gì đó chảy ra chất lỏng đặc thì chất lỏng sẽ chảy chậm từ nơi đó

  • Blood oozed out of the wound.

    Máu rỉ ra từ vết thương.

  • A trickle of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

    Một dòng máu rỉ ra từ khóe miệng anh.

  • Mud and slime oozed through the cracks.

    Bùn và chất nhờn rỉ ra qua các vết nứt.

  • Cream oozed out at the sides.

    Kem rỉ ra hai bên.

  • an ugly swelling oozing with pus

    một vết sưng xấu xí chảy mủ

  • The wound was oozing blood.

    Vết thương đang rỉ máu.

  • a plate of toast oozing butter

    một đĩa bánh mì nướng chảy bơ

to show a particular quality or feeling strongly; (of a particular quality or feeling) to be shown strongly

để thể hiện một chất lượng cụ thể hoặc cảm giác mạnh mẽ; (về một chất lượng hoặc cảm giác cụ thể) được thể hiện mạnh mẽ

  • She walked into the party oozing confidence.

    Cô bước vào bữa tiệc với vẻ tự tin.

  • His voice oozed with sex appeal.

    Giọng nói của anh tràn ngập sự hấp dẫn giới tính.

  • He was oozing with contempt for us.

    Anh ta tỏ ra khinh thường chúng tôi.

  • She shook her head, disgust oozing from every pore.

    Cô lắc đầu, sự ghê tởm rỉ ra từ mọi lỗ chân lông.

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