Definition of nutrition


dinh dưỡng


The word "nutrition" derives its roots from the Latin word "nutries," which means "nourish" or "sustenance." It was first coined in the late 18th century by the French botanist and chemist Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu to describe the process by which plants convert light and nutrients into energy. In the 19th century, as science began to focus more on the human body and its functions, the meaning of the word nutrition began to change. Biologist Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, who is often called the father of modern nutrition, broadened the definition of nutrition to include the ways in which animals absorb and utilize the nutrients they consume. The modern meaning of the word nutrition, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is "the process by which organisms take in and utilize food materials." It encompasses the complex biological processes by which cells grow, maintain, and repair themselves. Understanding these processes is crucial for promoting optimal health and preventing disease, as nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy body weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and supporting a healthy immune system.


the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy

quá trình các sinh vật sống nhận được thức ăn cần thiết để chúng phát triển và khỏe mạnh

  • advice on diet and nutrition

    lời khuyên về chế độ ăn uống và dinh dưỡng

  • to study food science and nutrition

    để nghiên cứu khoa học thực phẩm và dinh dưỡng

  • Nutrition information is now provided on the back of most food products.

    Thông tin dinh dưỡng hiện được cung cấp ở mặt sau của hầu hết các sản phẩm thực phẩm.

Related words and phrases

food that is needed to grow and be healthy

thực phẩm cần thiết để phát triển và khỏe mạnh

  • A feeding tube gives her nutrition and water.

    Ống dẫn thức ăn cung cấp chất dinh dưỡng và nước cho cô ấy.

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