Definition of nowhere


không nơi nào, không ở đâu


Definition of undefined

Initially, "nowhere" meant "to nowhere" or "to no place", implying a sense of directionlessness. Later, the meaning shifted to "a place that is not anywhere" or "a non-existent location". Today, we use "nowhere" to describe a lack of existence, absence, or a vague or unknown location. Interestingly, the word's etymology also links it to the concept of "nothingness" or "non-existence". So, the next time you say "nowhere", remember that it has its roots in ancient Old English!

  • I looked for my keys for hours but they seemed to have disappeared nowhere.

    Tôi đã tìm chìa khóa hàng giờ nhưng có vẻ như chúng không biến mất.

  • The phone didn't ring at all yesterday, it sounded like it was ringing nowhere.

    Hôm qua điện thoại không hề reo, nghe như thể nó không reo ở đâu cả.

  • The wind began to pick up, and soon we were sailing nowhere.

    Gió bắt đầu nổi lên, và chẳng mấy chốc chúng tôi đã không còn đi được nữa.

  • I have searched this building from top to bottom, but there's no sign of your missing laptop – it's like it's vanished into nowhere.

    Tôi đã tìm kiếm khắp tòa nhà này từ trên xuống dưới, nhưng không thấy dấu hiệu nào cho thấy chiếc máy tính xách tay bị mất của anh cả - giống như nó đã biến mất vào hư không vậy.

  • She's at the movies, nowhere to be found.

    Cô ấy đang ở rạp chiếu phim và không thấy đâu cả.

  • The storm had vanished into nowhere, leaving the streets empty and quiet once again.

    Cơn bão đã biến mất không dấu vết, để lại đường phố vắng vẻ và yên tĩnh trở lại.

  • Somehow, I spent all my money and it seems like it's gone nowhere.

    Không hiểu sao tôi đã tiêu hết tiền rồi mà có vẻ như số tiền đó chẳng đi đến đâu cả.

  • My train was delayed so long that it felt like I'd be traveling nowhere for the rest of my life.

    Chuyến tàu của tôi bị hoãn quá lâu đến nỗi tôi cảm thấy như thể mình sẽ chẳng đi đâu cả trong suốt quãng đời còn lại.

  • After all my hard work, I felt like I was getting nowhere.

    Sau tất cả những nỗ lực chăm chỉ, tôi cảm thấy mình chẳng đạt được kết quả gì.

  • In our quest for success, it sometimes feels like we're working towards nowhere in particular.

    Trong hành trình tìm kiếm thành công, đôi khi chúng ta cảm thấy như mình đang làm việc không hướng đến mục tiêu cụ thể nào cả.


from/out of nowhere
in a sudden and surprising way
  • A huge flock of sheep seemed to appear from nowhere.
  • The attack came from nowhere.
  • get/go nowhere | get somebody nowhere
    to make no progress or have no success; to not enable somebody to make progress or have success
  • We discussed it all morning but got nowhere.
  • Talking to him will get you nowhere.
  • His career was going nowhere fast.
  • The campaign over pay and conditions was getting nowhere.
  • lead (somebody) nowhere
    to have no successful result for somebody
  • This discussion is leading us nowhere.
  • Often there are discoveries which lead nowhere.
  • the middle of nowhere
    (informal)a place that is a long way from other buildings, towns, etc.
  • She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere.
  • not anywhere near/nowhere near
    far from; not at all
  • The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me.
  • Older cars are nowhere near as fuel-efficient as modern cars.
  • nowhere near
    far from; not at all
  • Older cars are nowhere near as fuel-efficient as modern cars.
  • nowhere to be found/seen | nowhere in sight
    impossible for anyone to find or see
  • I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.
  • The children were nowhere to be seen.
  • A peace settlement is nowhere in sight (= is not likely in the near future).