Definition of nanny


bảo mẫu


The term "nanny" has its origin in the English language and can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In the past, nannies, also known as wet nurses, were primarily hired to breastfeed an infant for a mother who was unable to do so herself, due to illness or other reasons. The Old English word "hlinan" meaning "to soothe" seems to be the root for the word "nanny". This term was first used in the late 17th century in the form "nane", which referred to a wet nurse who would also take care of the baby's general needs, such as feeding, bathing, and dressing. The spelling of the word evolved over time, with variations like "nanie" and "nannie" becoming more common around the early 19th century. By the 19th century, the term "nanny" had expanded beyond just breastfeeders, and began to refer to a caregiver for young children, particularly daughters of the wealthy upper classes. These nannies were often taken from rural areas, as it was believed that they would be better nurturers, having been raised in a more traditional and family-oriented society. Today, the meaning of "nanny" has broadened further, and can be used to describe anyone who is responsible for taking care of a child or children, in a formal or informal capacity, whether or not they are involved in breastfeeding. Nannies can also be employed to provide childcare within homes, in daycare centres, and in other care sectors.


a person whose job is to take care of young children in the children’s own home

người có công việc chăm sóc trẻ nhỏ tại nhà riêng của trẻ

  • She applied for the job of nanny to the Rickman family.

    Cô nộp đơn xin làm bảo mẫu cho gia đình Rickman.

  • She was taken on as a nanny to their two small children.

    Cô được nhận làm bảo mẫu cho hai đứa con nhỏ của họ.

a grandmother

Bà ngoại

  • When is Nanny coming to stay?

    Khi nào Nanny sẽ đến ở lại?

  • my nan and grandad

    bà và ông của tôi

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the nanny state
(disapproving)a way of talking about government which shows that you do not approve of it and suggests that it is too involved in controlling and protecting people in a way that limits their freedom
  • This latest policy is an example of the nanny state gone mad.