Definition of muttering


lẩm bẩm


The word "muttering" traces back to the Old English word "mūtrian," meaning "to speak in a low voice." This word, in turn, likely comes from the Proto-Germanic root "*mūþōn," meaning "to speak," which is related to the word "mouth." Over time, the meaning of "mūtrian" evolved to specifically refer to speaking quietly and indistinctly, often with a sense of grumbling or complaining. This evolution in meaning resulted in the modern word "muttering," which is used to describe a low, often barely audible, form of speech.


complaints that you express privately rather than openly

những lời phàn nàn mà bạn bày tỏ một cách riêng tư thay vì công khai

  • There have been mutterings about his leadership.

    Đã có những lời lẩm bẩm về khả năng lãnh đạo của ông.

words that you speak very quietly to yourself

những lời mà bạn nói rất lặng lẽ với chính mình