Definition of multitasking


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The term "multitasking" originated in the 1960s in the context of computer programming. It refers to the ability of a computer or operating system to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The concept was initially used to describe how early computing systems could handle multiple tasks, such as processing requests, executing programs, and interacting with users, all at the same time. The term "multitasking" was coined by computer scientist Marvin Minsky, who used it in a 1961 lecture to describe the ability of computers to perform multiple tasks concurrently. The term gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s as computers became more powerful and capable of handling multiple tasks, such as word processing, spreadsheet calculations, and email, simultaneously. From its origins in computer science, the concept of multitasking has been applied to humans, describing the ability of people to juggle multiple tasks, such as work, family, and personal responsibilities, simultaneously.


the ability of a computer to operate several programs at the same time

khả năng của một máy tính để vận hành một số chương trình cùng một lúc

the ability to do several things at the same time

khả năng làm nhiều việc cùng một lúc

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