Definition of moribund




The word "moribund" originates from the Latin word "morībundus," which means "dying" or "on the point of death." The prefix "morī" means "to die" or "dying," and the suffix "-bundus" indicates "carrying" or "bearing." The earliest known use of the word "moribund" in the English language dates back to the 16th century. Its original meaning closely followed that of its Latin origin, as it was used to describe a person or thing that was on the brink of death or in a state of near-death. Over time, the meaning of the word "moribund" has evolved to encompass broader applications. Today, the term is used not just to describe a dying person or animal but also to describe a sickly or dying body of water, such as a lake or river, or a dying political party, among other things. In general, the word "moribund" is still used today to describe anything that is in a state of decline or near-death, either literally or figuratively. Its use continues to evolve in the English language, adapting to new applications while preserving its rich history and linguistic heritage.


no longer effective and about to come to an end completely

không còn hiệu quả và sắp kết thúc hoàn toàn

  • a moribund company/economy

    một công ty/nền kinh tế suy yếu

in a very bad condition; dying

trong tình trạng rất tồi tệ; sắp chết

  • a moribund patient/tree

    một bệnh nhân/cái cây hấp hối