Definition of monolithic


nguyên khối


The word "monolithic" originated from the Greek words "monos," meaning "single," and "lithos," meaning "rock" or "stone." In ancient Greek mythology, a monolith was a large, single stone or block of stone that was often used in the construction of temples and other monumental buildings. In the 17th century, the term "monolithic" was used to describe a type of column or pillar that was constructed from a single piece of stone. Over time, the term expanded to describe anything that was composed of a single, solid block or mass, such as a monolithic mountain or a monolithic building. Today, the term "monolithic" is often used metaphorically to describe something that is uniform, solid, or unchanging, such as a monolithic government or a monolithic company. It can also be used to describe something that is imposing or overwhelming in its size or scale.


used to describe large single vertical blocks of stone, especially ones that were shaped into a column by people living in ancient times, and that may have had some religious meaning

được dùng để mô tả những khối đá lớn thẳng đứng, đặc biệt là những khối đá được người thời cổ đại tạo thành hình cột và có thể có ý nghĩa tôn giáo nào đó

  • a monolithic block

    một khối nguyên khối

used to describe single, very large organizations that are very slow to change and not interested in individual people

được sử dụng để mô tả các tổ chức đơn lẻ, rất lớn, rất chậm thay đổi và không quan tâm đến từng cá nhân

  • the monolithic structure of the state

    cấu trúc thống nhất của nhà nước