Definition of mishandling


xử lý sai


The word "mishandling" is a combination of two words: "mis" and "handling." "Mis" is a prefix meaning "badly" or "wrongly." It comes from Old English and has been used in English for centuries. "Handling" comes from the verb "to handle," which means to touch, hold, or manage something. It has Germanic roots. Therefore, "mishandling" literally means "badly handling" or "handling incorrectly." It first appeared in the English language in the 16th century.


bad management of a problem or situation

quản lý kém một vấn đề hoặc tình huống

  • the government’s mishandling of the economy

    sự xử lý sai lầm của chính phủ đối với nền kinh tế

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rough or careless treatment of somebody/something

đối xử thô bạo hoặc bất cẩn với ai/cái gì

  • The mishandling of the gun meant the evidence was contaminated.

    Việc xử lý súng sai có nghĩa là bằng chứng đã bị ô nhiễm.

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