Definition of mend


sửa chữa


The origin of the word "mend" can be traced back to Old English, specifically the word "mannian," which meant "to make good." However, over time, this word evolved and simplified into the Middle English word "menden," which ultimately led to the modern English word "mend." The Old English "mannian" is believed to be derived from the Germanic word "mann-," which meaning is uncertain, but likely relates to the idea of making something whole or complete. The Old English word was in turn related to the Latin word "manus," which meant "hand," and perhaps conveyed the idea of using your hands to fix or repair something. The Middle English word "menden" retained the basic meaning of "fixing" or "repairing," but also more specifically referred to mending clothes or fabrics. This use of "menden" is still evident in modern English, as most people associate the word "mend" primarily with the act of repairing torn or broken items. Overall, the history of the word "mend" highlights the importance of fixing and repairing items, particularly in relation to clothing and textiles, which likely reflects the practical concerns of everyday life in the Middle Ages, when mending clothes was a common household activity.


to repair something that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again

sửa chữa cái gì đó đã bị hư hỏng hoặc bị hỏng để nó có thể được sử dụng lại

  • Could you mend my bike for me?

    Bạn có thể sửa xe đạp giúp tôi được không?

Extra examples:
  • I was trying to mend that broken clock.

    Tôi đang cố sửa chiếc đồng hồ bị hỏng đó.

  • I'll get my guitar mended.

    Tôi sẽ sửa cây đàn guitar của mình.

  • The front gate needed mending.

    Cổng trước cần sửa chữa.

Related words and phrases

to repair a hole in a piece of clothing, etc.

để sửa chữa một lỗ trên một mảnh quần áo, v.v.

  • He mended shoes for a living.

    Anh ta sửa giày để kiếm sống.

  • She ought to learn to mend her own clothes.

    Cô ấy phải học cách tự sửa quần áo của mình.

to find a solution to a problem or disagreement

để tìm một giải pháp cho một vấn đề hoặc sự bất đồng

  • They tried to mend their differences.

    Họ đã cố gắng hàn gắn những khác biệt của mình.

Extra examples:
  • He has been trying to mend relations between the two countries.

    Ông đang cố gắng hàn gắn mối quan hệ giữa hai nước.

  • This debate will not mend matters.

    Cuộc tranh luận này sẽ không hàn gắn được vấn đề.

to improve in health after being ill

để cải thiện sức khỏe sau khi bị bệnh

  • He's mending slowly after the operation.

    Anh ấy đang hồi phục dần dần sau cuộc phẫu thuật.

Related words and phrases

to join up and return to normal

tham gia và trở lại bình thường


least said soonest mended
(British English, saying)a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about it
mend (your) fences (with somebody)
to find a solution when you disagree with somebody
  • The White House already is struggling to mend fences with Europe.
  • Is it too late to mend fences with your ex-wife?
  • mend your ways
    to stop behaving badly