Definition of math


toán học


The word "math" is a shortened form of "mathematics." "Mathematics" itself comes from the Greek word "μάθημα" (máthema), meaning "that which is learned." This term was later adopted into Latin as "mathematica," and eventually into English. So, "math" is essentially a shortened and simplified version of "that which is learned," reflecting the core of mathematics as a field of knowledge and study.


mathematics, especially as a subject in school

môn toán, đặc biệt là môn học ở trường

  • a math teacher

    một giáo viên dạy toán

the process of calculating using numbers

quá trình tính toán bằng cách sử dụng số

  • Is your math correct?

    Toán học của bạn có đúng không?

Related words and phrases


do the math
to think carefully about something before doing it so that you know all the relevant facts or figures
  • If only someone had done the math!
  • Do the math before you take on more debt.