Definition of lust


ham muốn


The word "lust" has its roots in the Old English word "leos," which means "fierce desire, longing, or lust" in modern terms. It is believed to have evolved from the Proto-Germanic word "kluz-" meaning "thirsty, eager, or impulsive." In its original form, the word "leos" was used to describe both physical and non-physical desires, including hunger, thirst, and ambition. However, as the concept of carnal desire gained prominence in European culture, the meaning of "leos" gradually narrowed down to incorporate a sexual connotation. The Middle English term "luste" was its earliest form, and it meant "desire" or "craving." The word "lecher" or "lechere" (from the Old French word "leshir"), which refers to a person who indulges in excessive sexual desires, also has roots in this Anglo-Saxon lexicon. In its current usage, the term "lust" is commonly associated with intense sexual desire or a strong craving for a specific object or experience.


very strong sexual desire, especially when love is not involved

ham muốn tình dục rất mạnh mẽ, đặc biệt là khi không có tình yêu

  • Their affair was driven by pure lust.

    Cuộc tình của họ được thúc đẩy bởi ham muốn thuần túy.

Extra examples:
  • He used her just to sate his lust.

    Anh lợi dụng cô chỉ để thỏa mãn dục vọng của mình.

  • She felt no lust whatsoever for him.

    Cô không hề có chút ham muốn nào với anh cả.

very strong desire for something or pleasure in something

mong muốn rất mạnh mẽ về một cái gì đó hoặc niềm vui trong một cái gì đó

  • to satisfy his lust for power

    để thỏa mãn ham muốn quyền lực của mình

  • She has a real lust for life (= she really enjoys life).

    Cô ấy thực sự khao khát cuộc sống (= cô ấy thực sự thích cuộc sống).

  • The ogre demanded the annual sacrifice of a young village lass to satisfy his blood lust.

    Yêu tinh yêu cầu một cô gái làng trẻ phải hiến tế hàng năm để thỏa mãn cơn khát máu của anh ta.

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