Definition of ledge




The word "ledge" has its roots in Old English, where it was spelled "hlīth", meaning a bank or raised area, often by a stream or cliff. It was used to describe a place where crops could be planted as they would be protected by the bank from eroding soil and floods. Over time, "hlīth" evolved into the Middle English word "læd" or "leþe", which still contained its original meaning of a flat and raised area. "Læd" and "leþe" were predominantly used to describe a raised area of land alongside a river or coast, serving as a defensive position in case of enemy invasion. By the 16th century, the word "ledge" was commonly used to describe a flat and elevated area, often steep and overhanging a cliff or precipice. It was also used to describe a protective position under a cliff or overhanging rock, particularly in mining. Today, "ledge" is commonly used in several contexts, ranging from geology, where it describes a flat and horizontal surface above a cliff, to finance, where it refers to a range of assets or securities held by an individual, institution, or organization. The origins of the word "ledge", however, remain deeply rooted in its Old English origin as a raised area by a body of water.


a narrow, flat piece of rock that sticks out from a cliff

một mảnh đá phẳng, hẹp nhô ra khỏi vách đá

  • seabirds nesting on rocky ledges

    chim biển làm tổ trên các mỏm đá

  • The climbers were clinging to a ledge hundreds of feet above the sea.

    Những người leo núi đang bám vào một mỏm đá cao hàng trăm feet so với mặt biển.

a narrow flat shelf fixed to a wall, especially one below a window

một kệ phẳng hẹp cố định vào tường, đặc biệt là một kệ bên dưới cửa sổ

  • She put the vase of flowers on the window ledge.

    Cô đặt bình hoa lên bệ cửa sổ.

Extra examples:
  • The phone was perched precariously on the window ledge.

    Chiếc điện thoại đang nằm bấp bênh trên gờ cửa sổ.

  • I felt along the ledge at the top of the door.

    Tôi sờ dọc theo gờ ở đầu cửa.

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