Definition of lavish


xa hoa


The origin of the word "lavish" can be traced back to the medieval French language. The original French word was "laver" which meant "to wash" or "to clean." In the 13th century, this word evolved into "lavide" which meant something that was excessively washed or cleaned, indicating that it was luxurious or extravagant. Over time, the word "lavide" adapted and transformed in different languages. In Old French, it became "laviss" and eventually evolved into the English word "lavish." In Middle English, "lavish" was spelled "lavysh" and had similar meanings to its French counterpart. Today, "lavish" is commonly used to describe things that are exorbitantly or luxuriously expensive, luxurious, or sumptuous. It is derived from the French "laver" which means "to wash," but through its etymological history, the meaning has transformed to include the idea of being overly or excessively adorned, decorated, or equipped. For instance, a "lavish wedding" would have an abundance of decoration, food, and clothing that goes beyond what is necessary, demonstrating extravagance and opulence.


large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money

số lượng lớn, hoặc ấn tượng, và thường tốn rất nhiều tiền

  • lavish gifts/costumes/celebrations

    những món quà/trang phục/lễ kỷ niệm xa hoa

  • They lived a very lavish lifestyle.

    Họ sống một lối sống rất xa hoa.

  • They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before.

    Họ đã xây dựng lại ngôi nhà với quy mô thậm chí còn xa hoa hơn trước.

  • It was one of the most lavish weddings I’ve ever been to.

    Đó là một trong những đám cưới xa hoa nhất mà tôi từng tham dự.

Extra examples:
  • He enhanced his position by making lavish gifts to members of the king's inner circle.

    Ông nâng cao địa vị của mình bằng cách tặng những món quà xa hoa cho các thành viên trong vòng thân cận của nhà vua.

  • He willingly accepted their lavish hospitality.

    Anh sẵn lòng chấp nhận lòng hiếu khách xa hoa của họ.

  • They have a very lavish lifestyle.

    Họ có lối sống rất xa hoa.

  • a lavish dining room

    một phòng ăn xa hoa

Related words and phrases

giving or doing something generously

cho đi hoặc làm điều gì đó một cách hào phóng

  • He was lavish in his praise for her paintings.

    Anh ấy đã hết lời khen ngợi những bức tranh của cô ấy.

  • They were rather lavish with their presents.

    Họ khá xa hoa với những món quà của mình.