Definition of kitty


mèo con


The word "kitty" can refer to a small amount of money, specifically used to collect contributions for a common purpose. However, in the context of cats, "kitty" has a different origin. While many people believe that "kitty" is a diminutive of the word "cat," this is not entirely true. The root of "kitty" can be traced back to the Middle English word "kyttyng," which literally meant "kitten." This word eventually evolved into "kitten" and "kitty," with the latter used primarily as a term of endearment for a small cat. The exact origin of the word "kyttyng" is uncertain, but it may have been derived from the Middle English word "kit," which meant "container." This suggestion is based on the fact that kittens, being small and helpless, are in many ways similar to containers that need to be carefully nurtured until they are full-grown. Alternatively, "kyttyng" may have been derived from the Middle English word "kyte," which meant "wooden vessel." This theory suggests that there may have been a similarity between the shape of a curled-up kitten and that of a small wooden vessel, leading to the use of the term "kyttyng" to describe kittens. Whatever its origin, "kitty" has become a beloved term of endearment for cats, especially when they are still young and playful. Whether used to describe a furry ball of energy or a collection of small change, "kitty" is a sweet and endearing word that brings warmth to the hearts of cat lovers everywhere.


if money is put in a kitty, a group of people all give an amount and the money is spent on something they all agree on

nếu tiền được bỏ vào một con mèo, một nhóm người sẽ đưa ra một số tiền và số tiền đó sẽ được tiêu vào thứ mà tất cả họ đều đồng ý

  • We each put £50 in the kitty to cover the bills.

    Mỗi người chúng tôi bỏ 50 bảng vào con mèo để trang trải các hóa đơn.

the sum of money that all the players bet, which is given to the winner

số tiền mà tất cả người chơi đặt cược, được trao cho người chiến thắng

a way of referring to a cat

một cách đề cập đến một con mèo