Definition of juvenile


vị thành niên


The word "juvenile" originates from the Latin word "iuvenis," which means "young man." In ancient Rome, "iuvenis" referred to a person between the ages of puberty and adulthood, typically around 14 to 27 years old. The term "juvenile" began to be used in English during the 16th century to describe young people, particularly those who exhibit behavior that is associated with youthfulness, such as impulsivity, immaturity, and inexperience. In time, it also came to refer to things that were young or inexperienced, including animals, crops, and machinery. Interestingly, "juvenile" used to have a more negative connotation, implying that young people were reckless, immature, and ill-behaved. However, as society's views on youth and aging have shifted, the term has become more broadly used to describe things that are new, budding, or just starting out, rather than just young people exhibiting childish behavior. Today, "juvenile" is still used to describe young people, but it also refers to a legal category for individuals between the ages of 10 and 18 years old, who exhibit criminal behavior that is meant to be treated differently than that of adults due to their age and perceived level of culpability.


relating to young people who are not yet adults

liên quan đến những người trẻ tuổi chưa trưởng thành

  • juvenile crime/employment

    tội phạm vị thành niên/việc làm

  • juvenile offenders

    người phạm tội vị thành niên

  • What can be done to help these juvenile delinquents turn away from crime?

    Có thể làm gì để giúp những tội phạm vị thành niên này tránh xa tội ác?

relating to young birds and animals

liên quan đến chim non và động vật

  • the prey of juvenile owls

    con mồi của cú non

silly and more typical of a child than an adult

ngớ ngẩn và điển hình của một đứa trẻ hơn là người lớn

  • juvenile behaviour

    hành vi vị thành niên

  • Don't be so juvenile!

    Đừng trẻ con như thế!

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