Definition of julep


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The word "julep" originated from the Persian word "gulab," meaning "flower water." It was adopted by the Arabic language and transformed into "jalab," which referred to a sweetened drink made from rose petals. When this word was introduced to England during the Crusades, it was anglicized to "jaliab," and later evolved into "julep." Juleps became popular in England during the 16th century, where they were served as medicinal drinks to cure ailments such as gout, headaches, and fevers. The term "julep" came to describe any sweetened drink that contained an exotic ingredient, such as spices, perfumes, or flowers. As juleps made their way to America, they took on a new meaning. Whiskey juleps, in particular, became a staple drink during the 19th century. The drink's popularity was due in part to the medical benefits ascribed to whiskey, such as curing malaria and relieving sore throats. The traditional whiskey julep consists of bourbon, sugar, water, and crushed ice. The drink's presentation was elaborate, as it was garnished with mint and served in a silver cup with a julep strainer. The gritty texture of the crushed ice and the strong scent of mint created a sensory experience that contributed to the drink's allure. Today, the term "julep" is still commonly used to describe sweetened drinks, but the meaning has become less specific. Juleps may contain a variety of ingredients, from fruit to herbal extracts, and they are often enjoyed as refreshments rather than medicinal remedies. Nevertheless, the history of the word "julep" serves as a testament to the way that cultural exchanges have given rise to enduring and distinctive drinks.


an alcoholic drink made by mixing bourbon with mint, sugar and crushed ice (= that has been broken into very small pieces)

một thức uống có cồn được làm bằng cách trộn rượu bourbon với bạc hà, đường và đá nghiền (= đã được chia thành những miếng rất nhỏ)

a sweet drink that may contain alcohol or medicine

một thức uống ngọt có thể chứa rượu hoặc thuốc

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